"The Radio Boys in the Thousand Islands; Or, The Yankee-Canadian Wireless Trail" by J. W. Duffield is an adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around three boys, Cub, Bud, and Hal, who, during their summer vacation, embark on a quest to rescue a fellow amateur radio enthusiast who has sent an SOS from a mysterious island in the Thousand Islands region. At the start of the book, the boys are discussing their summer plans when they receive a distress signal from a marooned youth named Raymond Flood. As they consider how to help him, they grapple with the challenges of locating the island and determining the veracity of Flood's claims amidst conflicting signals from another radio operator. The opening sets the stage for a thrilling adventure filled with themes of friendship, bravery, and the intrigue of radio communication, promising engaging escapades as the boys decide to venture out in search of this mysterious "Robinson Crusoe." (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Radio Boys in the Thousand Islands; Or, The Yankee-Canadian Wireless Trail
By Frank Honeywell
Title was first published crediting J. W. Duffield as author. Later editions credit Frank Honeywell.
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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