"Under King Constantine" by Katrina Trask is a historical novel written in the late 19th century, specifically in the 1890s. The book is set in a mythic era following the death of King Arthur and explores themes of chivalry, love, and the complexities of human relationships through the character of Lady Gwendolaine and the knights surrounding her, showcasing their lives and struggles as they navigate duty and desire in a world filled with both noble ideals and personal conflict. The story centers around Lady Gwendolaine, who is trapped in a loveless marriage with Sir Torm, against whom she feels increasingly drawn to the noble knight Sir Sanpeur. As Gwendolaine grapples with her emotions and loyalty to her husband, her journey leads to emotional awakening and self-discovery. Meanwhile, Sir Kathanal emerges as another character representing the ideals of knighthood as he seeks courage and valor through selfless acts. The narrative interweaves themes of honor and sacrifice, culminating in poignant moments that challenge the characters’ perceptions of love and loyalty, ultimately reinforcing the idea that true knighthood lies in selflessness and integrity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Under King Constantine
By Katrina Trask
"Under King Constantine" by Katrina Trask is a historical novel written in the late 19th century, specifically in the 1890s. The book is set in a myth...
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About the Author
Katrina Trask, also known as Kate Nichols Trask, was an American author and philanthropist.
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