"A Practical Novelist" by John Davidson is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Maxwell Lee, an unsuccessful literary figure who, together with his wife Caroline and brother-in-law Peter Briscoe, embarks on an ambitious project to create a novel that transcends traditional storytelling by integrating real-life experiences and actions into its plot. This unconventional approach to fiction raises questions about the very nature of storytelling and character development. The opening of the story introduces the trio engaged in a lively discussion about the state of the novel and the creative process. Maxwell, dismissive of conventional writing, proposes to "create" rather than merely "write" a novel, leading to a comedic twist when Peter arrives with an unconscious man, purportedly a millionaire, whom he has "bagged" as the hero for their story. This unexpected development sets the stage for a tale that blurs the lines between fiction and reality, as the characters grapple with their predicament while Max's ambitious ideas about novel creation begin to take shape. As the narrative unfolds, tensions between artistic ambition and personal dilemmas emerge, foreshadowing deeper conflicts within the plot. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Practical Novelist
By John Davidson
"A Practical Novelist" by John Davidson is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Maxwell Lee, an unsuccessful literar...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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