"Greylorn" by Keith Laumer is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Lieutenant Commander Greylorn, who is tasked with leading a new mission to make contact with the Omega Colony, the final colonial venture of Earth that had not reported back for over a century. As Greylorn and his crew face mounting challenges, including internal dissent and an alien threat, the narrative explores themes of desperation, survival, and the resilience of the human spirit against overwhelming odds. The opening of the novel sets a dramatic stage, starting with a council meeting of the World Government in a desperate situation due to the encroaching "Red Tide," a devastating organism threatening the planet. Greylorn presents a bold proposal to search for the Omega Colony, which could offer salvation. His confident demeanor stands in contrast to his ship's crew, displaying signs of unrest and dissatisfaction as they feel the weight of their mission and the dangers of long space travel. The chapter transitions into a tense atmosphere aboard the ship, where Greylorn must navigate conflicts among his officers, particularly with the Medical Officer Kramer. This sets the groundwork for a gripping tale of exploration, conflict, and the struggle for hope in the face of adversity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Keith Laumer
"Greylorn" by Keith Laumer is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century. The story revolves around Lieutenant Commander Greylorn, wh...
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About the Author
John Keith Laumer was an American science fiction author. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the United States Foreign Service. His older brother March Laumer was also a writer, known for his adult reinterpretations of the Land of Oz. Frank Laumer, their youngest brother, is a historian and writer.
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