Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas père, was a French novelist and playwright.
The three musketeers
"The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas is a classic adventure novel written during the early 19th century. The story follows the ambitious and cour...
By Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo
"The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet is a renowned novel written during the early 19th century. The story explores themes...
By Alexandre Dumas
The conspirators; or, The chevalier d'Harmental
"The Conspirators; or, The Chevalier d'Harmental" by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The st...
By Alexandre Dumas
The Corsican Brothers
"The Corsican Brothers" by Alexandre Dumas is a novel written in the early 19th century. This engaging story explores themes of family loyalty, Corsic...
By Alexandre Dumas
The black tulip
Translation of La tulipe noire
By Alexandre Dumas
The War of Women, Volume 1
"The War of Women, Volume 1" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the tumult of the War of the Fron...
By Alexandre Dumas
The Wolf-Leader
"The Wolf-Leader" by Alexandre Dumas is a novel written in the mid-19th century. This work weaves a tale rich in fantasy, inspired by legends of the a...
By Alexandre Dumas
My Memoirs, Vol. II, 1822 to 1825
"My Memoirs, Vol. II, 1822 to 1825" by Alexandre Dumas is a memoir series written in the early to mid-19th century. This volume captures a personal na...
By Alexandre Dumas
Martin Guerre Celebrated Crimes
"Martin Guerre" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The book delves into the captivating story of identity, de...
By Alexandre Dumas
Joan of Naples Celebrated Crimes
"Joan of Naples" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel set in the early 20th century, chronicling the tumultuous reign of Joan of Naples during the...
By Alexandre Dumas
Ten Years Later
"Ten Years Later" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the mid-19th century. This work continues the adventures of the iconic musketeer...
By Alexandre Dumas
The Vicomte de Bragelonne
Project Gutenberg has several editions of this eBook: #18997 (Illustrated HTML file) #2609 (Plain HTML file) #3010 (Text file)
By Alexandre Dumas
Ten Years Later
"Ten Years Later" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the mid-19th century. As the third installment in the D'Artagnan Romances, it co...
By Alexandre Dumas
Quotes and Images from Celebrated Crimes
"Quotes and Images from Celebrated Crimes" by Alexandre Dumas is a collection of historical accounts and narratives that delve into infamous crimes th...
By Alexandre Dumas
Chicot the Jester
An abridged translation of: "La dame de Monsoreau"
By Alexandre Dumas
The Companions of Jehu
Companion book to "The Whites and the Blues," #59938.
By Alexandre Dumas
The Whites and the Blues
Companion book to "The companions of Jehu," #7079.
By Alexandre Dumas
My Memoirs, Vol. VI, 1832 to 1833
"My Memoirs, Vol. VI, 1832 to 1833" by Alexandre Dumas is a personal memoir written in the early 20th century. This volume serves as a vivid reflectio...
By Alexandre Dumas
My Memoirs, Vol. III, 1826 to 1830
"My Memoirs, Vol. III, 1826 to 1830" by Alexandre Dumas is an autobiographical account written in the early 20th century. This volume provides persona...
By Alexandre Dumas
The Countess of Charny; or, The Execution of King Louis XVI
"The Countess of Charny; or, The Execution of King Louis XVI" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The work expl...
By Alexandre Dumas