"Ten Years Later" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the mid-19th century. This work continues the adventures of the iconic musketeers, particularly focusing on the character D’Artagnan, as he navigates the complexities of loyalty, power, and friendship in the court of Louis XIV. The narrative unfolds in a richly detailed setting filled with intrigue and the political maneuverings of the time, promising a blend of action and romance. At the start of "Ten Years Later," D’Artagnan arrives, dusty and weary, at the court of King Louis XIV after a long journey filled with peril. He discovers that Belle-Isle, a location of strategic importance, has been fortified, an oversight that leads to tension with the King. D’Artagnan’s relationship with the King becomes central as he is promoted to captain of the musketeers, while also grappling with the motivations and schemes of aristocrats such as Colbert and Fouquet. The opening chapters establish the dynamics among comrades from past adventures, particularly spotlighting D’Artagnan’s complex feelings towards his fellow musketeers, indicating the tumultuous changes in their lives. As the story unfolds, the reader is introduced to psychological conflicts and budding romances that intertwine with noble ambitions and shifting allegiances, hinting at the larger tapestry of Dumas's renowned storytelling. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Ten Years Later
By Alexandre Dumas
"Ten Years Later" by Alexandre Dumas is a historical novel written in the mid-19th century. This work continues the adventures of the iconic musketeer...
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About the Author
Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas père, was a French novelist and playwright.
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