James Stephens
James Stephens was an Irish novelist and poet.
The Demi-gods
"The Demi-gods" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows a ragged traveler named Patsy Mac Cann and his d...
By James Stephens
Mary, Mary
"Mary, Mary" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story captures the life and imaginings of a young girl named Mary Mak...
By James Stephens
"Deirdre" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story draws from ancient Irish mythology, focusing on the legendary figu...
By James Stephens
"Reincarnations" by James Stephens is a collection of poems inspired by traditional Irish themes, written during the early 20th century. The work chan...
By James Stephens
Irish Fairy Tales
"Irish Fairy Tales" by James Stephens is a collection of traditional Irish folklore retold in a narrative style likely written in the early 20th centu...
By James Stephens
Here are Ladies
"Here Are Ladies" by James Stephens is a collection of short stories written in the early 20th century. The book explores the complexities of relation...
By James Stephens
The Crock of Gold
"The Crock of Gold" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book blends elements of fantasy and folklore, centering on the...
By James Stephens
The Insurrection in Dublin
"The Insurrection in Dublin" by James Stephens is a historical account penned during the early 20th century, specifically in the aftermath of the East...
By James Stephens
The Adventures of Seumas Beg; The Rocky Road to Dublin
"The Adventures of Seumas Beg; The Rocky Road to Dublin" by James Stephens is a poetic work written in the early 20th century. The book is a collectio...
By James Stephens