"The Crock of Gold" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book blends elements of fantasy and folklore, centering on the lives of two philosophers who live in a secluded pine wood. With their wives, the Grey Woman and the Thin Woman, they navigate questions of knowledge, wisdom, and the complexities of family life while interacting with magical beings like the Leprecauns and the god Pan, setting the stage for a rich exploration of myth and human experience. The opening of this novel introduces the two philosophers, who boast unrivaled wisdom second only to a mystical Salmon, and depict their unconventional marriages to the Grey Woman and the Thin Woman. The narrative humorously illustrates their domestic lives and the relationships with their children, who grow amidst whimsical insights and playful interactions with local wildlife. A curious incident involving the sun and a search for knowledge leads to the birth of their children and foreshadows future engagements with mythical figures. As the children become more aware of the world and the supernatural, their lives intertwine with legendary characters, setting the stage for a tale filled with enchanting adventures and philosophical inquiries. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Crock of Gold
By James Stephens
"The Crock of Gold" by James Stephens is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book blends elements of fantasy and folklore, centering on the...
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About the Author
James Stephens was an Irish novelist and poet.
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