Jim Harmon
James Judson Harmon, better known as Jim Harmon, was an American short story author and popular culture historian who wrote extensively about the Golden Age of Radio. He sometimes used the pseudonym Judson Grey, and occasionally he was labeled Mr. Nostalgia.
Baker's Dozens
"Baker's Dozens" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction short story published in the late 1950s. The narrative centers around a character named Baker, oft...
By Jim Harmon
The Expendables
"The Expendables" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction story written in the early 1960s. This narrative revolves around a peculiar invention designed fo...
By Jim Harmon
The Upside-Down Captain
"The Upside-Down Captain" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction story that originally appeared in the magazine "Worlds of If Science Fiction" in the earl...
By Jim Harmon
Charity Case
"Charity Case" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction short story first published in the late 1950s. The narrative focuses on the life of William Hagle, w...
By Jim Harmon
The Big Headache
"The Big Headache" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around themes of medical ethics, the cons...
By Jim Harmon
Dangerous Quarry
"Dangerous Quarry" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 1960s. The story follows an insurance adjuster named Madison, ...
By Jim Harmon
The Spicy Sound of Success
"The Spicy Sound of Success" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction short story that appeared in Galaxy Magazine in the late 1950s. The narrative follows ...
By Jim Harmon
No Substitutions
"No Substitutions" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction short story that was published in Galaxy Magazine in the late 1950s. The narrative explores a fu...
By Jim Harmon
Always a Qurono
"Always a Qurono" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction tale originally published in the early 1960s, specifically within the pages of Galaxy Magazine. T...
By Jim Harmon
Confidence Game
"Confidence Game" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century, specifically during the late 1950s. This narrative explo...
By Jim Harmon
Name Your Symptom
"Name Your Symptom" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction narrative crafted in the mid-20th century. The story follows psychiatrist Henry Infield as he g...
By Jim Harmon
Measure for a Loner
"Measure for a Loner" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The narrative explores the psychological implica...
By Jim Harmon
"Mindsnake" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story explores themes of identity, companionship, and the nature ...
By Jim Harmon
The Air of Castor Oil
"The Air of Castor Oil" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novella published in the early 1960s. The narrative is centered around a main character who...
By Jim Harmon
February Strawberries
"February Strawberries" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story grapples with themes of death, resurrection, an...
By Jim Harmon
"Blueblood" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novella published in the early 1960s. The story takes place on a distant planet inhabited by two distin...
By Jim Harmon
Break a Leg
"Break a Leg" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction story written in the late 1950s. The book explores the life of Charlie Baxter, an Accident Prone indi...
By Jim Harmon
How to Make Friends
"How to Make Friends" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction short story written in the early 1960s. The narrative centers on William Manet, an overseer o...
By Jim Harmon
The Planet with No Nightmare
"The Planet with No Nightmare" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s, at a time when space exploration was gaining signi...
By Jim Harmon
The Last Trespasser
"The Last Trespasser" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the late 20th century. Set in a dystopian future where humanity coexists wit...
By Jim Harmon