"The Last Trespasser" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the late 20th century. Set in a dystopian future where humanity coexists with an enigmatic force known as "Riders," the story explores themes of identity, sanity, and societal norms. The narrative follows the protagonist, Michael Malloy, as he navigates a world transformed by these symbiotic entities that enhance human capabilities while rendering certain individuals, like Malloy, devoid of their influence. The plot revolves around Michael Malloy, who has spent three and a half years in a mental institution due to his refusal to accept the Riders that empower most of humanity. Following his release, Malloy grapples with the reality of a society vastly different from the one he once knew—where superhuman abilities are the norm and his lack of a Rider makes him feel outcast and helpless. As he seeks a place within this new world, he is drawn into a subplot involving a group called the Jockeys, who pretend to be Riderless while exploiting their powers. Ultimately, this tale culminates in revelations about Malloy's true nature, hinting that he embodies a unique potential as a superman due to his duality. The story artfully critiques conformity and the quest for individuality amid pervasive societal control. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Last Trespasser
By Jim Harmon
"The Last Trespasser" by Jim Harmon is a science fiction novel written in the late 20th century. Set in a dystopian future where humanity coexists wit...
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About the Author
James Judson Harmon, better known as Jim Harmon, was an American short story author and popular culture historian who wrote extensively about the Golden Age of Radio. He sometimes used the pseudonym Judson Grey, and occasionally he was labeled Mr. Nostalgia.
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