"For Every Man A Reason" by Patrick Wilkins is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set in a future where humanity has expanded into the galaxy and established interstellar empires, specifically highlighting the conflict between the United Empire and the People's Republic. The story explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the psychological impact of war, ultimately questioning the nature of love and commitment in the face of overwhelming challenges. The plot centers around Aron Myers, a Territorial Administration observer stationed on the remote planet Kligor. He moves there with his wife, Martha, to oversee automatic observation stations while bracing for potential conflict between the two galactic empires. Tragically, Martha dies under mysterious circumstances, which leads Aron down a path of introspection and moral turmoil. In a moment of desperation, he collaborates with a spy from the People's Republic, leading to a treasonous plan against his own empire. The story culminates in a tense climax that reveals the complexities of human emotion and the devastating consequences of human conflict, ultimately exploring whether loyalty to a state can surpass personal love. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
For Every Man A Reason
By Patrick Wilkins
"For Every Man A Reason" by Patrick Wilkins is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set in a future where ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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