"Money is the Root of All Good" by Patrick Wilkins is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The story explores the intricate socio-economic dynamics of the planet Lyrane, where a unique system rewards citizens based on good deeds and thoughts rather than traditional labor for payment. This radical economic structure, initially embraced as a model of virtue, faces collapse due to manipulation and external pressures, leading to societal chaos. The narrative follows Roald Gibbons, the new president of Universal Relief, as he manages the fallout from a catastrophic stock market crash on Lyrane. As corporation-men cease their productive activities due to external threats and manipulation by a rival company, Galactic Aid, the planet descends into violence and unrest. The tale intricately weaves personal and social struggles, particularly through the experiences of Erol Garbin and his daughter Yma, who grapple with the consequences of the failed economic system. Ultimately, Roald uncovers a deeper conspiracy behind the collapse, highlighting themes of power, morality, and the dangers of economic manipulation. The story culminates in a dramatic resolution that seeks to restore Lyrane's former ideals while addressing the injustices inflicted upon its people. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Money is the Root of All Good
By Patrick Wilkins
"Money is the Root of All Good" by Patrick Wilkins is a science fiction novella written during the mid-20th century. The story explores the intricate ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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