"The Created Legend" by Fyodor Sologub is a novel written during the early 20th century, likely inspired by the socio-political turbulence of the times. The novel revolves around a stark contrast between the chaos of the external world and the beauty that can be found within imagination and creativity. The story is centered on Elisaveta and Elena, two sisters who explore their surroundings and the philosophical musings prompted by the enigmatic poet Giorgiy Sergeyevitch Trirodov, ultimately facing the quest for personal and artistic liberation against an oppressive reality. The opening of the novel introduces us to the sisters as they delight in a summer's day, bathing in the River Skorodyen. Their conversations provide insight into their world, as they discuss the curious figure of Trirodov, a local scholar shrouded in mystery. As they swim, themes of beauty, vitality, and curiosity about the unknown are established, setting the stage for their intrigue with the extraordinary events that unfold around Trirodov's property. Among the vibrant imagery and philosophical reflections, they encounter curious children and glimpses of a strange society governed by a mix of joy and chaos, alluding to a deeper exploration of innocence, imagination, and the societal unrest of the time. The narrative invites readers to reflect on the line between reality and dreams, and how one's perspective can shape their personal legend. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Created Legend
By Fyodor Sologub
"The Created Legend" by Fyodor Sologub is a novel written during the early 20th century, likely inspired by the socio-political turbulence of the time...
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About the Author
Fyodor Sologub was a Russian Symbolist poet, novelist, translator, playwright and essayist. He was the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of European fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose.
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