"The Good Comrade" by Una L. Silberrad is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the Polkington family, particularly focused on the middle daughter, Julia, who finds herself navigating familial expectations and financial struggles against the backdrop of societal pressures. The novel explores themes of honor, frugality, and the role of women within domestic settings, all while delving into character dynamics that reveal the challenges of their social standing. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to the Polkingtons, a family that presents themselves as part of the social elite despite their financial difficulties. The eldest daughter, Violet, has just become engaged, prompting a flurry of discussions about the implications for their household. Julia, the less attractive yet perceptive middle daughter, becomes aware of their financial instability, particularly concerning their father, Captain Polkington, whose gambling habits have led to a significant debt. This opening portion establishes the family's complex dynamics, with Julia taking on a central role as she contemplates how to resolve their pressing issues while also revealing her own determination and resourcefulness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Good Comrade
By Una L. Silberrad
"The Good Comrade" by Una L. Silberrad is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the Polkington family, particularly foc...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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