"Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds; Or, The Signal from the Hills" by Major Archibald Lee Fletcher is a fictional novel penned in the early 20th century. This adventure story follows four young Boy Scouts — Sandy Green, Will Smith, George Benton, and Tommy Gregory — from Chicago as they embark on an exciting and perilous mission to the remote Hudson Bay country in search of a stolen artifact known as the Little Brass God, which is believed to contain critical information regarding a last will and testament. The opening of the book introduces the boys setting up camp along Moose River, where they are preparing for a challenging wilderness adventure. As they settle in, they engage in lighthearted banter about their surroundings and the numerous mosquitoes plaguing their camp. However, the tone shifts when the boys hear suspicious noises nearby, leading Tommy and Will to explore the area only to encounter a potential threat—a gunshot in the wilderness. This sparks intrigue and foreshadows the challenges ahead, setting the stage for adventure, mystery, and the perils of the wild. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds; Or, The Signal from the Hills
By Archibald Lee Fletcher
"Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds; Or, The Signal from the Hills" by Major Archibald Lee Fletcher is a fictional novel penned in the early 20th century. T...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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