"The Girls of Chequertrees" by Marion St. John Webb is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Pamela Heath, a sixteen-year-old girl who embarks on an adventure as she receives an intriguing invitation to stay at the mysterious Chequertrees house, where she will be responsible for its upkeep in the absence of the owner, Miss Crabingway. Along with other girls, she navigates the challenges that arise in this unfamiliar setting. The opening of the story establishes the atmosphere of expectation and mystery as it introduces Pamela in her home, her family dynamics, and the strange conditions laid out in the invitation she receives. Pamela's character is lively and engaging, and her relationships with her siblings provide a warm backdrop to her upcoming journey. The narrative hints at the complexities of her new living arrangement, including interactions with the other girls and the peculiarities surrounding Miss Crabingway's home, particularly a locked room that beckons curiosity. As Pamela transitions from her familiar surroundings to the enigmatic Chequertrees, the stage is set for both personal growth and intriguing mysteries to unfold in the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girls of Chequertrees
By Marion St. John Webb
"The Girls of Chequertrees" by Marion St. John Webb is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Pamela Heath, a sixt...
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About the Author
Marion St John Adcock Webb was an English writer of novels and poetry for children that presaged A. A. Milne, with her character "The Littlest One".
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