"Muck Man" by Fremont Dodge is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around the transformation of criminals into specialized beings known as muck men, who are tasked with hunting rare and valuable Slider eggs on the inhospitable Jordan's Planet. The narrative addresses themes of identity, sacrifice, and survival while exploring the ethical implications of genetic alterations and exploitation in a futuristic society. The plot follows Asa Graybar, a man wrongfully convicted of theft who opts to undergo a transformation into a muck man to pay off his sentence. Arriving on Jordan's Planet, he must navigate the dangers of this alien environment, including predatory Sliders that pose significant threats. Along the way, he partners with Kershaw, another muck man, and encounters Harriet Hazeltyne, the daughter of the franchise's owner. Together, they confront various challenges, including a corrupt company manager, while Asa devises plans to improve the muck men's working conditions. The climax reveals a battle for survival against Sliders and a fight for justice and better treatment for the muck men, culminating in Asa's determination to change the exploitation of this unique workforce. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Muck Man
By Fremont Dodge
"Muck Man" by Fremont Dodge is a science fiction novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around the transformation of criminals into spec...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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