"Delilah of the Snows" by Harold Bindloss is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Walter Ingleby, a young man of humble background, who navigates societal expectations and his ambitions while forming a connection with Grace Coulthurst, the daughter of a local gentleman. The novel delves into themes of class distinction, ambition, and the struggle for personal identity amidst the constraints of social hierarchy. The opening of the book introduces Walter Ingleby as he reflects on the disparity between his social status and the exclusive company he has been permitted to join for a tennis match. His admiration for Grace Coulthurst comes to light when he encounters her outside the match and engages in a conversation that reveals his unacknowledged feelings and his awareness of social limits. The tone is filled with youthful yearning and awkwardness as Ingleby grapples with his place in society while aspiring for something more. This interplay of characters establishes the groundwork for exploring their relationships and the impact of societal norms on their personal ambitions and interactions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Delilah of the Snows
By Harold Bindloss
"Delilah of the Snows" by Harold Bindloss is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Walter Ingleby, a young man of humble backgr...
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About the Author
Harold Edward Bindloss was an English novelist who wrote many adventure novels set in western Canada, and some in West Africa and England. His writing was strongly based on his own experience, whether as a seaman, a dock worker, a farmer or a planter.
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