"The Golden Judge" by Nathaniel Gordon is a work of science fiction written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set against the backdrop of international diplomacy, exploring themes of negotiation and conflict resolution. The story revolves around a unique solution to seemingly unresolvable disputes between nations through the whimsical yet impactful mechanism of a coin toss, symbolically dubbed the "Golden Judge." The plot follows General Terence O'Reilly, a U.S. Army officer stationed in the Middle East, who proposes that the longstanding tensions between Israel and Jordan be resolved by flipping a coin. This unconventional idea surprisingly garners support, leading to a series of coin tosses that resolve not only that dispute but various international conflicts, including those involving China and Ireland. As the Golden Judge becomes a recognized institution for mediating disputes, the story critiques the nature of fairness and honor in international relations, ultimately suggesting that nations might adhere more faithfully to the results of a bet than to traditional agreements. Through O'Reilly's journey, the book reflects on themes of hope and absurdity in diplomatic engagements, presenting a satirical yet thoughtful examination of humanity's penchant for gambling, both literal and metaphorical. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Golden Judge
By Nathaniel Gordon
"The Golden Judge" by Nathaniel Gordon is a work of science fiction written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set against the backdrop of inte...
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