"Infinite Intruder" by Alan Edward Nourse is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The narrative unfolds in a post-apocalyptic future where Roger Strang discovers that someone is attempting to murder his son, David, prompting an urgent investigation. The story delves into themes of identity, memory, and the consequences of time travel as Roger's search leads him to question the very fabric of his existence. The plot centers around Roger Strang's frantic efforts to protect his son from mysterious attackers after multiple attempts on David's life. As Roger grapples with the horrific possibility that his son is being targeted for something greater, he uncovers a shocking truth about his own identity: his past is a construct, created to mask a reality involving time travel and a traumatic history that he cannot recall. With the help of his wife, Ann, he learns that they were once involved in a plot to eliminate their own son, who has grown into a powerful dictator in the future. The tension escalates as Roger ultimately takes drastic action to prevent a war driven by his altered reality, leading to a dramatic climax where he must confront the truth about himself and the dangerous implications of their actions in the past. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Infinite Intruder
By Alan Edward Nourse
"Infinite Intruder" by Alan Edward Nourse is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The narrative unfolds in a post-apocalyptic future wh...
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About the Author
Alan Edward Nourse was an American science fiction writer and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works sometimes focused on medicine and/or psionics.
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