"Deadly City" by Paul W. Fairman is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story unfolds in a seemingly abandoned city where the protagonists find themselves alone after a mysterious crisis has caused a mass evacuation. The book explores themes of survival, fear, and the human psyche when faced with extreme circumstances. The plot follows several characters: Frank Brooks, who awakens disoriented in an empty city; Nora Spade, a woman who had attempted suicide and finds herself in the same eerie predicament; and Jim Wilson, a large man recently escaping from jail. As they navigate the desolate streets, they encounter Leroy Davis, a dangerous, unstable figure who reveals he has killed and is now in control, having a gun. Tension escalates when the threat of alien invaders—a result of an evacuation—looms over them. The characters grapple with their fears, the loss of human connection, and their will to survive as they confront both external dangers and the darker aspects of their natures. The novel culminates in a dramatic confrontation, highlighting not only the instinct to live but also the complexities of human relationships in times of crisis. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Deadly City
By Paul W. Fairman
By Fairman writing under the pseudonym "Ivar Jorgensen," according to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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