"Through Veld and Forest: An African Story" by Harry Collingwood is a novel likely written in the early part of the 19th century. The story follows Edward Laurence, an 18-year-old boy living on a South African farm, who faces an immense tragedy when he returns from a shopping trip to find his parents dead and their farm attacked by natives. Driven by the desire to rescue a kidnapped girl and restore his fortune, Edward embarks on a perilous expedition that promises adventure and discovery in the untamed African landscape. At the start of the story, Edward is introduced as a responsible young man living on his father's farm, Bella Vista. While on a journey to gather supplies, he learns of the brutal attack on his home, witnessing the aftermath of violence and loss. His parents have been killed, their farm ravaged, and a girl named Nell, a friend, is taken. The narrative focuses on Edward's determination to set out on an expedition, seeking to gain wealth through the acquisition of ivory and hides while also motivated to rescue Nell. The opening chapters paint a vivid picture of rural life in South Africa and set the stage for Edward's ensuing struggles and adventures in a world torn by conflict and survival. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Through Veld and Forest: An African Story
By Harry Collingwood
"Through Veld and Forest: An African Story" by Harry Collingwood is a novel likely written in the early part of the 19th century. The story follows Ed...
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About the Author
Harry Collingwood was the pseudonym of William Joseph Cosens Lancaster, a British civil engineer and novelist who wrote over 40 boys' adventure books, almost all of them in a nautical setting.
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