"Jane Journeys On" by Ruth Comfort Mitchell is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Jane Vail, a young woman grappling with societal expectations in a small Vermont village, particularly concerning marriage to Martin Wetherby, a local catch. While everyone believes she is set to marry him, Jane herself is uncertain and yearns for a different path, leading her to contemplate a more independent life as a writer. At the start of the narrative, we see Jane reflecting on her life choices during a November day in her room. Despite the pressure to conform to her community's expectations, she feels a rising desire to forge her own identity and pursue her writing ambitions. After a somewhat successful presentation at a local women's club, Jane experiences an internal struggle regarding her future with Martin Wetherby. Confronting societal norms and her growing discontent with the life mapped out for her, Jane ultimately decides to leave home to give her writing a try in New York City, marking the beginning of her journey toward self-discovery and independence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jane Journeys On
By Ruth Comfort Mitchell
"Jane Journeys On" by Ruth Comfort Mitchell is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Jane Vail, a young woman grappling ...
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About the Author
Ruth Comfort Mitchell Young was an American writer and playwright, best known for her novel, Of Human Kindness. She wrote under her maiden name Ruth Comfort Mitchell, as well as her married name, Mrs. Sanborn Young. She was the wife of California State Senator Sanborn Young.
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