"Filthy Rich" by Fred Sheinbaum is a science fiction story written during the late 1950s. The narrative is set in a futuristic society where consumerism is heavily emphasized, and individuality is often frowned upon. The book explores the interplay between wealth, societal norms, and personal relationships in a world where being a non-consumer is equated with moral corruption and subversive behavior. The story follows J.L. Spender, an assistant vice-president at the General Products Corporation, who is deeply concerned about his daughter Glory's infatuation with Ernest Stringer, a young man whose lifestyle and views clash with the consumer-based values J.L. holds dear. As the dinner progresses, J.L. struggles to understand and accept Stringer's unconventional perspective, leading to tension and conflict. The climax reveals that Stringer harbors a significant wealth hidden away in a secret bank account, positioning him as a 'non-consumer'—the ultimate betrayal of J.L.'s consumer-centric ideals. Ultimately, the story critiques the extremes of consumer culture while highlighting the generational divide between a father and his daughter concerning values and identity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Filthy Rich
By Fred Sheinbaum
"Filthy Rich" by Fred Sheinbaum is a science fiction story written during the late 1950s. The narrative is set in a futuristic society where consumeri...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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