"Conspiracy on Callisto" by James MacCreigh is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set on the icy moon of Jupiter, Callisto, the story follows Peter Duane, who becomes embroiled in a power struggle amid an uprising. The central theme revolves around amnesia and political intrigue within a backdrop of rebellion against a repressive regime. The narrative unfolds as Peter Duane wakes up with no memory of his past, finding himself thrust into a complex situation involving gun smuggling and a ruthless governor named Andrias, who is plotting to betray the League governing Callisto. As Duane gradually pieces together his life and the conspiracy surrounding him, he learns that he was involved in gun-running operations intended for a rebellion against the League. His internal struggle to reclaim his identity is paralleled by the external conflict as he confronts Andrias and wrestles with his moral compass. Ultimately, with tension building towards a climax, Duane must navigate betrayal, power, and the rekindling of lost memories while fighting to thwart Andrias’ dangerous plans. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Conspiracy on Callisto
By Frederik Pohl
"Conspiracy on Callisto" by James MacCreigh is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set on the icy moon of Jupiter, Callisto, the s...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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