"Moment of Truth" by Basil Wells is a science fiction narrative written in the mid-20th century. This book explores the themes of identity, reality, and human resilience through the eyes of a young girl adjusting to life on Mars. The narrative juxtaposes a pioneer woman's experience on Earth with the novel challenges posed by life on another planet. The story follows Ruth Halsey, a fourteen-year-old girl recovering from polio, who finds herself torn between her familiar past and a surreal present on Mars. As she wakes from a dream, she realizes that her surroundings are a distorted reflection of her childhood home, filled with memories of her deceased brother Alex. The narrative deepens when Ruth's husband, Buhl, tries to pull her into the harsh reality of Martian life, emphasizing the struggle between the comfort of illusions and the acceptance of hard truths. Amidst this, Ruth attempts to reconcile her dreams with her new life, symbolizing the universal quest for hope and belonging in a strange environment. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Moment of Truth
By Basil Wells
"Moment of Truth" by Basil Wells is a science fiction narrative written in the mid-20th century. This book explores the themes of identity, reality, a...
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About the Author
Basil Eugene Wells was an American writer. His first published story, "Rebirth of Man" appeared in the magazine Super Science Stories in 1940. He wrote science fiction, fantasy western and detective stories for various magazines sometimes under the name Gene Ellerman. Two collections of his stories, Planets of Adventure and Doorways to Space were published by Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc.
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