"Jimsy and the Monsters" by Walter J. Sheldon is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story explores the intersections of childhood stardom and the fantastical, as an eleven-year-old child actor, Jimsy LaRoche, becomes entangled with real extraterrestrial creatures brought to Hollywood during a film production. The narrative captures the absurdities of movie-making, highlighting the chaos that ensues when fictional monsters turn into real threats. The plot centers around Mr. Maximilian Untz, a beleaguered producer, and his quest for authentic terror in a film's dream sequence. When Dr. John Mildume, a quirky scientist, introduces two alien creatures, Untz hopes they will elevate his film but instead they cause mayhem on set. Jimsy, known for his mischievousness, inadvertently proves to be the key to managing the monsters, as they turn out to be terrified of him. This humorous and absurd tale critiques the entertainment industry while weaving a whimsical and engaging story about courage, responsibility, and the often comedic nature of Hollywood. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jimsy and the Monsters
By Walter J. Sheldon
"Jimsy and the Monsters" by Walter J. Sheldon is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story explores the intersections of childhood...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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