"Insidekick" by J. F. Bone is a science fiction novella published in the late 1950s. The story centers on the themes of espionage, corporate intrigue, and unexpected symbiosis in a richly imagined alien world. The narrative follows Albert Johnson, an investigator entangled in a web of deceit involving the Interworld Corporation and the unique extraterrestrial lifeforms he encounters. The plot unfolds as Johnson, initially posing as a tourist in the Antarian city of Vaornia, discovers that he is being hunted by the native insiders of the Interworld Corporation. After a botched attempt on his life, Johnson is saved by a mysterious entity known as a Zark, which links with him to enhance his abilities, granting him powers of telepathy and teleportation. As he navigates through the dangers posed by both the corporation and the hostile environment of Antar, Johnson uncovers a plot involving illegal tobacco plantations overseen by the corporate entity. With the help of the Zark and his newfound psychic powers, he eventually exposes the conspiracy, while also contemplating the nature of their unique relationship. The blend of humor, adventure, and alien intrigue makes this a captivating read within the science fiction genre. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin) Bone
"Insidekick" by J. F. Bone is a science fiction novella published in the late 1950s. The story centers on the themes of espionage, corporate intrigue,...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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