"A Daughter of the Union" by Lucy Foster Madison is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set during the Civil War era, it follows the story of a young girl named Jeanne Vance, who embodies the patriotic spirit of her time and is seeking to make a meaningful contribution to the war effort, despite the limitations placed upon her because of her gender. The narrative explores themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the role of women in wartime America. The opening of the novel introduces Jeanne and her friends, who express their frustration over their perceived impotence in assisting the war efforts. They decide to organize a fundraising fair to support Union soldiers, highlighting Jeanne's leadership and determined spirit. As they successfully sell their handmade items, they encounter a young boy who inscribes a touching gesture by donating his crutches, which further ignites Jeanne's sense of duty. This sets the stage for Jeanne's own journey of empowerment as she becomes determined to undertake a mission that could significantly aid the Union, amplifying her heroic and selfless character as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Daughter of the Union
By Lucy Foster Madison
"A Daughter of the Union" by Lucy Foster Madison is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set during the Civil War era, it follows the...
Lucy Foster Madison was an American novelist and teacher.
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