"The Magic World" by E. Nesbit is a collection of children's fantasy stories written in the early 20th century. The book explores themes of imagination and transformation, with children experiencing adventures that blur the lines between reality and magic. The opening story introduces Maurice, a mischievous boy who finds himself in an unusual predicament involving his family cat, Lord Hugh Cecil, leading to transformative experiences that challenge his understanding of cruelty and empathy. At the start of "The Magic World," we are introduced to Maurice, who gets into trouble for his playful cruelty towards Lord Hugh, the family cat. After a series of mischief, Maurice’s father decides to send him away to a strict school, prompting Maurice to unintentionally turn himself into a cat after a conversation with Lord Hugh. As a cat, he struggles with his new identity, dealing with a sardine tin tied to his tail and the consequent adventures and misadventures he encounters. The early narrative sets the tone for whimsical exploration, humor, and the moral lessons that will develop through Maurice's magical transformation and eventual realization of empathy and friendship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Magic World
By E. (Edith) Nesbit
"The Magic World" by E. Nesbit is a collection of children's fantasy stories written in the early 20th century. The book explores themes of imaginatio...
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About the Author
Edith Nesbit was an English writer and poet, who published her books for children as E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on more than 60 such books. She was also a political activist and co-founder of the Fabian Society, a socialist organisation later affiliated to the Labour Party.
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