"The Peaceful Atom" by Bernice Kohn Hunt is a scientific publication written in the early 1960s. This informative book explores the concept and power of atomic energy, elaborating on its significance and applications during the era recognized as the atomic age. The text aims to demystify the complex nature of atoms and showcases the revolutionary potential of atomic energy in various fields. In "The Peaceful Atom," the author takes readers on an educational journey through the history and development of atomic theory, starting from ancient Greek speculation by Democritus to significant advancements brought forth by scientists like John Dalton, Marie Curie, and Enrico Fermi. The book describes various atomic phenomena, including radioactivity and nuclear fission, while illustrating the significant technologies emerging from these discoveries, such as atomic power plants and medical applications. It emphasizes the numerous benefits of atomic energy, highlighting its potential to solve energy shortages and improve public health, while also addressing the importance of responsible management of nuclear materials. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The peaceful atom
By Bernice Kohn Hunt
"The Peaceful Atom" by Bernice Kohn Hunt is a scientific publication written in the early 1960s. This informative book explores the concept and power ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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