"John of the Woods" by Abbie Farwell Brown is a children's fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces us to a young boy named Gigi, a tumbler who has escaped from the cruel treatment of his Gypsy masters. The narrative unfolds in a whimsical setting where Gigi's adventures lead him into the depths of a forest, ultimately transforming his life as he aligns himself with the kind-hearted hermit and a variety of animals that populate his new world. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to Gigi's life within a traveling troupe of tumblers, where he is oppressed and beaten by his masters. During a performance, he is deeply unhappy and dreams of escape. Following a near-fatal incident during the act, Gigi is given a glimmer of hope by a compassionate woman from the audience who encourages him to run away. Seizing the opportunity when his captors venture to the inn, he decides to flee, finding brief solace in a kind family before venturing into the woods. Gigi soon encounters an old hermit who becomes a father figure, allowing him to embrace a more compassionate and peaceful existence away from the cruelty he has suffered. The beginning of Gigi's journey serves as a poignant reflection of resilience, transformation, and the warmth of newfound freedom. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
John of the Woods
By Abbie Farwell Brown
"John of the Woods" by Abbie Farwell Brown is a children's fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces us to a young boy nam...
Abbie Farwell Brown was an American writer.
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