"Peachmonk" by John Eyerman is a sero-comic detective tale written in the early 20th century. This light-hearted novel captures a three-day episode in the life of the Duke of Belleville, as narrated by his friend Lord Edward Lyndon. The book cleverly interweaves over nine hundred book titles into its narrative, focusing on themes of mystery and social intrigue without the conventional use of violence or firearms. The story follows the Duke of Belleville as he navigates a comedic yet intriguing series of events surrounding a kidnapping, a mysterious woman, and a tangled web of secrets involving family ties and hidden identities. As the plot unfolds, characters like the intelligent Duchess Evelyn, the resourceful Marjorie, and the malevolent villain Martin Dhragnet come into play. The narrative is rich with clever dialogue and situational twists, maintaining a whimsical tone throughout. The Duke's escapades ultimately lead to revelations about family and love, wrapped in a caper that entertains while also offering a glimpse into the social mores of the time. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Peachmonk A Serio-Comic Detective Tale in Which No Fire-Arms Are Used and No One is Killed
By John Eyerman
A story made up of book titles.
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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