"With the King at Oxford: A Tale of the Great Rebellion" by Alfred John Church is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around a young man named Philip Dashwood, whose life unfolds against the backdrop of the English Civil War, detailing his experiences and the turbulent events surrounding King Charles I during this tumultuous period. The beginning of the story introduces us to Philip's family background and early life, marked by his father's challenges and adventures, including military service and the eventual inheritance of a meager estate. As a child, Philip's education begins under the guidance of his father and a local parson, leading him to London for schooling. The narrative captures his initial wonder at the urban spectacle and the dramatic events of a raging fire in London, as well as later experiences during the plague that disrupt his schooling. Ultimately, Philip is drawn into the world of academia at Lincoln College, Oxford, as the war intensifies and the King takes refuge there, setting the stage for his involvement in both scholarly and military endeavors. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
With the King at Oxford: A Tale of the Great Rebellion
By Alfred John Church
"With the King at Oxford: A Tale of the Great Rebellion" by Alfred John Church is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative c...
Alfred John Church was an English classical scholar.
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