"Shadow Mountain" by Dane Coolidge is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the deserted mining town of Keno, revealing the struggles of its remaining residents as they grapple with the loss of prosperity after the gold rush. The narrative centers around Wiley Holman, the son of an infamous figure linked to the town's decline, and Virginia Huff, the daughter of the once-prominent Colonel Huff, as their families' complicated history intertwines amidst ambitions, suspicion, and harsh desert realities. At the start of the novel, Keno lies in silence, a shadow of its former self, while an old man scavenges through the ruins. The arrival of Wiley Holman sparks intrigue, especially when he encounters Virginia, and their familial feud reignites old tensions stemming from their fathers' business dealings and betrayal. The opening captures the fraught dynamics between the characters as Wiley seeks to reconcile his family's past and Virginia grapples with her circumstances, all while the atmosphere of looming conflict and desire for redemption encapsulates the spirit of the town. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Shadow Mountain
By Dane Coolidge
"Shadow Mountain" by Dane Coolidge is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the deserted mining town of Keno, revealing the ...
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About the Author
Dane Coolidge was an American author, naturalist, and photographer. He wrote fiction, non-fiction, and articles featuring the American West. He wrote short stories for magazines and made illustrations. His book Rimrock Jones was adapted into the 1918 film Rimrock Jones. The Smithsonian Museum has three of his photographs in its collection. He wrote several dozen novels and many tens of short stories.
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