"Today is Forever" by Roger D. Aycock is a science fiction novella written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around themes of immortality and the moral implications of power when offered by extraterrestrial visitors, specifically the Alcorians. The protagonist, Boyle, embodies ambition and cunning in his pursuit of eternal life, which leads to catastrophic choices that challenge the fabric of the society he inhabits. In this narrative, the government of Earth is presented with an offer from the Alcorians that grants immortality to its highest officials. Boyle, who is politically astute yet morally ambiguous, sees this as an opportunity not just for himself but as a potential leverage point against the ruling Council. His manipulation of fellow characters, such as the idealistic David Locke and the alluring Moira, culminates in an audacious plan to seize the immortality process for himself. However, his arrogance and desire for absolute power ultimately lead to his downfall, as he discovers that the Alcorians have telepathically mapped his intentions, resulting in betrayal and a life sentence that ironically mirrors the eternal existence he sought, now trapped in a profoundly different reality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Today is Forever
By Roger D. Aycock
"Today is Forever" by Roger D. Aycock is a science fiction novella written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around themes of immortality and the...
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About the Author
Roger D. Aycock was an American author who wrote under the pseudonym Roger Dee. He primarily wrote science fiction.
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