"The Giant Hands; or, the Reward of Industry" by Alfred Crowquill is a children's fairy tale written in the mid-19th century, reflecting the Victorian era's values and storytelling style. This whimsical narrative revolves around the importance of hard work, industry, and perseverance, illustrating how diligence can lead to success and rewards. The story follows a young boy named Willie, who, after the loss of his father, resolves to support his ailing mother by seeking work. As he ventures into the world, he encounters a pair of gigantic, magical hands that aid him in various challenges. These hands assist him in overcoming obstacles, such as crossing perilous waters and confronting a dangerous ogress while working in her castle. Willie's hard work is continuously supported by these magical hands, ultimately leading to his success as he becomes valued for his industriousness. The tale concludes with Willie returning home, enriched by his experiences, embodying the moral that those who are industrious will reap rewards, a timeless message meant to inspire young readers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Giant Hands; or, the Reward of Industry
By Alfred Crowquill
"The Giant Hands; or, the Reward of Industry" by Alfred Crowquill is a children's fairy tale written in the mid-19th century, reflecting the Victorian...
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About the Author
Alfred Henry Forrester was an English author, comics artist, illustrator and artist, who was also known under the pseudonym of Alfred Crowquill.
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