"Fair Harbor" by Joseph C. Lincoln is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the coastal town of Bayport and revolves around the lives of its inhabitants, especially the Macomber family and Captain Sears Kendrick, who has returned home after suffering an accident at sea. At its core, the narrative explores themes of family dynamics, community ties, resilience, and the longing for belonging after hardship. The opening of "Fair Harbor" introduces readers to the everyday life of the Macomber family during breakfast and provides insights into their relationships and interactions. Mr. Joel Macomber humorously engages his friend Cap'n Sears Kendrick and his children, highlighting the domestic atmosphere and the roles each family member plays. As the scene unfolds, we learn about Captain Kendrick’s struggles post-accident and his desire to seek a quiet place away from sympathies and observations of others, leading him to consider boarding with his old cook, Judah Cahoon. The interactions set the tone for the characters and their stories, creating an inviting picture of small-town life while hinting at deeper personal challenges each character faces. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Fair Harbor
By Joseph Crosby Lincoln
"Fair Harbor" by Joseph C. Lincoln is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the coastal town of Bayport and revolves around ...
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About the Author
Joseph Crosby Lincoln was an American author of novels, poems, and short stories, many set in a fictionalized Cape Cod.
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