"Po-No-Kah: An Indian Tale of Long Ago" by Mary Mapes Dodge is a historical children's story written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a time when American pioneers faced the dangers posed by Native Americans in the wilderness. The tale explores themes of bravery, familial bonds, and the interactions between settlers and indigenous people, focusing on the plight of the Hedden family and their encounter with Native American warriors. The story follows the Hedden family, particularly the children, Bessie, Rudolph, and little Kitty, as they embark on an innocent adventure that turns dire when they encounter Indians in the forest. As they are captured, their protector, Tom Hennessy, attempts to save them, leading to a series of harrowing events where they endure the harsh realities of captivity. The character of Po-No-Kah emerges as a pivotal figure who, despite being an Indian warrior, demonstrates kindness and fidelity, ultimately assisting in their rescue. The emotional narrative highlights the children's innocence in the face of danger, the loyalty of their dog Bouncer, and the theme of friendship that transcends cultural boundaries. The climax sees the family's reunion after their trials, suggesting a message of hope and reconciliation amidst the historical context of their struggles. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Po-No-Kah: An Indian Tale of Long Ago
By Mary Mapes Dodge
"Po-No-Kah: An Indian Tale of Long Ago" by Mary Mapes Dodge is a historical children's story written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds ...
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About the Author
Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge was an American children's author and editor, best known for her novel Hans Brinker. She was the recognized leader in juvenile literature for almost a third of the nineteenth century.
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