"A Lady in Black" by Florence Warden is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a mysterious widow, Mrs. Dale, whose arrival in a quiet English village sparks gossip and suspicion among the local residents. The narrative introduces us to Mabin Rose, a spirited young girl who finds herself drawn to Mrs. Dale, despite the warnings and prejudices of her stepmother and the vicar's wife. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to the contrasting perspectives of two women in the community. One, Mrs. Bonnington, expresses concern over the propriety and influence of Mrs. Dale, perceiving her fashionable attire and widowhood with skepticism. Meanwhile, Mabin offers a counterpoint, questioning why a woman’s appearance should overshadow her character. The opening chapters establish the social tensions and character dynamics, setting the stage for Mabin's eventual encounter with Mrs. Dale, which hints at deeper mysteries surrounding the widow's past. Mabin's fascination with Mrs. Dale foreshadows an exploration of appearance versus reality, as well as the struggles of youthful independence in a restrictive social environment. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A lady in black
By Florence Warden
"A Lady in Black" by Florence Warden is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a mysterious widow, Mrs. Dale, whose arriv...
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About the Author
Florence Warden was an English actress and writer, who wrote many novels under her stage name, her name at birth being Florence Alice Price and her married name Mrs G. E. James.
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