"The Young Treasure Hunter; Or, Fred Stanley's Trip to Alaska" by Frank V. Webster is a fictional adventure story written in the early 20th century. The tale follows young Fred Stanley, who is motivated by his family's financial difficulties and his father's mining injury to pursue a treasure hunting expedition in Alaska. With a letter of introduction from a friendly old prospector and a hopeful spirit, Fred embarks on a journey that promises not only the potential for gold but also greater adventure. At the start of the story, we meet Fred Stanley, who is supportive and responsible despite his youth, as he prepares to seek work in a nearby mining area to help his struggling family. The narrative presents Fred's interactions with his ailing father, his aspirations to ease their financial burdens, and the intriguing legend of a hidden treasure in Alaska. While searching for employment, he encounters an old miner named Bill Gardner, who shares a captivating story about a buried treasure linked to a deceased friend. This ignites Fred's ambition to seek out this treasure, leading to his preparations for a daring expedition, along with the challenges and risks associated with such a venture. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Young Treasure Hunter; Or, Fred Stanley's Trip to Alaska
By Frank V. Webster
"The Young Treasure Hunter; Or, Fred Stanley's Trip to Alaska" by Frank V. Webster is a fictional adventure story written in the early 20th century. T...
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About the Author
Frank V. Webster was a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate. A total of 25 novels in The Webster Series For Boys were published by Cupples & Leon between 1909 and 1915. Titles were reprinted in 1938 by Saalfield Publishing.
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