"Sunny-San" by Onoto Watanna is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the life and struggles of a young girl named Sunny, the daughter of a famous dancer known as Madame Many Smiles, who has recently passed away. The backdrop of Japanese culture and the complex dynamics between the geisha system and foreign influences create a rich tapestry exploring themes of identity, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. The opening of "Sunny-San" introduces readers to the somber atmosphere following the death of Madame Many Smiles, casting a shadow over the House of a Thousand Joys. As the titular character, Sunny, navigates her new reality, she is thrust into the spotlight as her mother’s successor amid societal expectations and the looming threat of punishment from Hirata, the house’s master. The narrative unfolds with Sunny's enchanting performance that captivates American students, culminating in a dramatic rescue by them when she faces abuse from Hirata. This sets the stage for Sunny's journey of self-discovery, as she is taken in by her rescuers, leaving behind the painful ties to her past while discovering new possibilities for her future. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Onoto Watanna
"Sunny-San" by Onoto Watanna is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the life and struggles of a young girl named Sunn...
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About the Author
Winnifred Eaton was a Canadian author and screenwriter of Chinese-British ancestry. Publishing prolifically under a number of names, most predominantly, the pseudonym Onoto Watanna, she was one of the first North American writers of Asian descent to publish fiction in English.
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