"The Gray Dawn" by Stewart Edward White is a novel written in the mid-20th century. Set in San Francisco during the tumultuous Gold Rush era around 1852, the story revolves around the lives of several characters, primarily focusing on Milton Keith, a young lawyer from Baltimore, and his wife Nan, as they navigate the challenges and social dynamics of their new environment. At the start of the narrative, readers are introduced to John Sherwood, a charismatic gambler, as he interacts with members of the local elite on the veranda of the Bella Union Hotel. The initial scenes establish a lively social atmosphere, where drinking, camaraderie, and playful banter abound. The arrival of Milton and Nan Keith adds a fresh perspective to this vibrant setting. Milton's enthusiasm for the city's potential is quickly contrasted with Nan's cautious demeanor, hinting at the struggles they will face in adapting to their new lives. The opening portion vividly illustrates the colorful and chaotic life in San Francisco at the height of the Gold Rush, teeming with eclectic characters and moral complexities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Gray Dawn
By Stewart Edward White
"The Gray Dawn" by Stewart Edward White is a novel written in the mid-20th century. Set in San Francisco during the tumultuous Gold Rush era around 18...
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About the Author
Stewart Edward White was an American writer, novelist, and Spiritualist. He was a brother of noted mural painter Gilbert White.
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