"The River Motor Boat Boys on the Mississippi; Or, On the Trail to the Gulf" by Harry Gordon is a children’s adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of boys who embark on a journey down the Mississippi River aboard their motor boat, the Rambler. The tale is filled with excitement as they encounter various challenges, including encounters with potential outlaws and a mysterious waif. At the start of the story, the scene is set on the Rambler, where the boys, Alex, Clayton, and their pets—a bulldog named Captain Joe and a bear cub named Teddy—are preparing a meal. The tranquility is interrupted by a rough-looking riverman warning them about the dangers of navigating the swollen river without a pilot. The boys are playful and defiant, demonstrating their adventurous spirits. The opening culminates in the unexpected arrival of a runaway boy who begs for shelter, hinting at greater dangers and mysteries ahead. This introduction sets the stage for a wild adventure with camaraderie, humor, and suspense as the boys navigate both the river and the challenges they encounter along the way. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The River Motor Boat Boys on the Mississippi; Or, On the Trail to the Gulf
By Harry Gordon
"The River Motor Boat Boys on the Mississippi; Or, On the Trail to the Gulf" by Harry Gordon is a children’s adventure novel written in the early 20th...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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