"Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf" by David Cory is a children's book written in the early 20th century. This charming story follows the adventures of Little Jack Rabbit, who encounters various characters, including the wicked wolf, in his journey through the woods. The narrative is filled with whimsical elements and teaches valuable lessons about kindness, bravery, and friendship. The storyline unfolds as Little Jack Rabbit faces challenges posed by Mr. Wicked Wolf, who is intent on making him his meal. The young bunny, along with his Uncle John Hare and other friends, cleverly devises ways to escape the wolf’s clutches. They encounter several whimsical characters along the way, including a Yellow Dog Tramp, a reindeer, and even a wise old crow. Each chapter contains a delightful mix of adventure and humor, culminating in themes of courage and the importance of helping others, as Little Jack Rabbit often demonstrates kindness and generosity throughout his escapades. The engaging illustrations and relatable characters make this book a captivating read for young audiences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf
By David Cory
"Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf" by David Cory is a children's book written in the early 20th century. This charming story follows the adventu...
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About the Author
David Magie Cory was a writer of more than fifty books for young children. He was best known for his Jack Rabbit stories, which were syndicated in newspapers for forty years.
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