"Yellowstone Nights" by Herbert Quick is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in and around Yellowstone Park, featuring a diverse group of characters who embark on an adventure. Central to the narrative is a young couple in love, alongside an assortment of characters including an ornithologist, a minor poet, and a cowboy-like driver, as they navigate both the park’s natural wonders and interpersonal dynamics. The opening of "Yellowstone Nights" introduces us to a picturesque scene in Yellowstone Park, where a young couple, amidst playful affection, are observed by a naturalist engrossed in his studies. As the characters interact, humor and light-hearted banter fill the text, establishing a camaraderie among the eclectic party that forms around them. The presence of the ornithologist with his glasses and note-taking, and the introduction of townsfolk and artists, hint at a broader exploration of both the park’s magnificence and the complexities of human relationships, foreshadowing incidents of adventure and possibly misadventure in the great outdoors. The narrative sets the stage for charming encounters that blend romance with the awe of nature's wonders. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Yellowstone Nights
By Herbert Quick
"Yellowstone Nights" by Herbert Quick is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in and around Yellowstone Park, featuring a dive...
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About the Author
John Herbert Quick was an American writer and politician.
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