"Pocket Island: A Story of Country Life in New England" by Charles Clark Munn is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around the clandestine activities of a Polish Jew, named Captain Wolf, and a roving Micmac Indian as they engage in smuggling liquor along the Maine coast. Central to the plot is Pocket Island, a mysterious and eerie location that serves as a hideout in their illegal endeavors, embodying both danger and intrigue. At the start of the narrative, readers are introduced to the chance alliance of Captain Wolf and the Indian, who embark on a partnership to profit from the smuggling trade. The opening chapters vividly describe the island’s geography and its chilling history, hinting at ominous undertones. The duo's activities are fraught with tension, showcasing Wolf’s cunning and greed, contrasted with the Indian's indifference to the material wealth involved. As the story develops, it hints at deeper consequences of their illegal operations, setting the stage for conflicts and moral dilemmas that may arise as a result of their actions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pocket Island: A Story of Country Life in New England
By Charles Clark Munn
"Pocket Island: A Story of Country Life in New England" by Charles Clark Munn is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around t...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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