"Daddy Takes Us Skating" by Howard Roger Garis is a children's book likely written in the early 20th century, specifically around the 1910s. This delightful story revolves around the adventures of two siblings, Hal and Mabel Blake, as they explore the joys of winter activities, including skating, while learning about the science behind cold and ice. The narrative combines elements of family fun with educational aspects, illustrating how curiosity can lead to discovery. Throughout the book, Hal and Mab engage in various winter-related antics, starting from their excitement over new ice skates to their encounters with scientific phenomena, like how ice forms and the effects of freezing temperatures. Mr. Blake, their father, provides guidance and explanations that enrich their understanding of the world around them. The story takes a charming turn when their beloved dog, Roly-Poly, who had a dramatic encounter with the ice, reappears, adding an element of surprise and emotional joy. Overall, "Daddy Takes Us Skating" beautifully captures the innocent delight of childhood during winter and the warmth of family bonds amidst playful learning and adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Daddy Takes Us Skating
By Howard Roger Garis
"Daddy Takes Us Skating" by Howard Roger Garis is a children's book likely written in the early 20th century, specifically around the 1910s. This deli...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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