"Uncle Wiggily's Story Book" by Howard R. Garis is a collection of children's stories written in the early 20th century. This charming anthology features the titular character, Uncle Wiggily Longears, a gentle bunny who embarks on whimsical adventures alongside various children and animal friends. The stories center around everyday themes relevant to young readers, such as overcoming fears, friendship, and the joy of discovery. The beginning of the book introduces readers to Uncle Wiggily as he addresses children directly, expressing his hope that they will enjoy his escapades. The first story, "Uncle Wiggily's Toothache," follows a boy suffering from a toothache who is reluctant to visit the dentist. Uncle Wiggily devises a clever plan to help the boy face his fear by pretending to have a toothache himself, showing how bravery can be inspired through friendship and understanding. This engaging blend of storytelling and moral lessons sets a playful tone for the adventures awaiting in the pages ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Uncle Wiggily's Story Book
By Howard Roger Garis
"Uncle Wiggily's Story Book" by Howard R. Garis is a collection of children's stories written in the early 20th century. This charming anthology featu...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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