"The Black Bear" by William H. Wright is a narrative interwoven with natural history and personal anecdotes, written in the early 20th century. The text presents the experiences of the author as he recounts the story of Ben, a black bear cub he encountered during a hunting expedition, illustrating both the challenges of life in the wilderness and the fascinating behaviors of black bears. The book aims to offer a unique blend of adventure, wildlife observation, and insights into the habits and characteristics of black bears. At the start of the narrative, the author introduces Ben, a young black bear cub born in the wilderness. Following a challenging journey through harsh weather conditions, the author and his companions come across Ben's mother and her cubs, leading to a series of events that culminate in the capture of Ben and the development of a bond between them. The opening chapters detail the humorous and heartwarming moments as Ben adapts to his new life, his playful nature, and the challenges the author faces in feeding and caring for the cub while exploring the beauty of the Bitter Root Mountains. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Black Bear
By William H. (William Henry) Wright
"The Black Bear" by William H. Wright is a narrative interwoven with natural history and personal anecdotes, written in the early 20th century. The te...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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